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© 2024 Rouge et Noir D'Ottawa. Tous droits réservés
If nothing else, the Ottawa REDBLACKS proved on Saturday afternoon that they’re full of fight.
The Toronto Argonauts piled it on in the first half, heading into the break up by 22 points, and in the third quarter, all they did was extend their advantage to 38-6. At the time, just about everyone was talking about the game being over.
All season long, whether they have been successful in their attempt or not, the REDBLACKS have been in positions with their backs against the wall, they’ve never given up. That was the case once again on Saturday, as they courageously tried to do the unthinkable.
First, it was a second touchdown for Bralon Addison, then another major to Nick Marder. A successful onside kick recovered by Kene Onyeka gave Ottawa the ball back, and they scored again, this time to Justin Hardy. Once again, they lined up for an onside kick, and it was recovered by the visitors for a second time, setting up a field goal to cut the lead to just seven.
On the last play of the game, the REDBLACKS lateraled the ball numerous times, gaining positive yardage, but that miracle was one too many to ask, and they fell 38-31, solidifying that they’ll be on the road in the postseason.